Cycling week 13 in review

At the end of the 3rd training block was looking forward to this recovery week. Most of the week I stayed in Lexington. I had brought the Honey cyclocross bike to do a mixed terrain ride.

Pond near the Waldorf school

Tuesday started with an early run in the Great Meadow. I had forgotten to bring my gloves as well as my running shoes. Since it was below freezing not having gloves definitely hurt. My fingers were freezing and was forced to stick them in my jacket while running. This is typically not a good idea, especially on a trail run. Fortunately I only tripped once, but then I had my hands not in my pockets and could regain my balance. Running on my regular shoes (sneakers) was felt the next day.My calves felt like cinder blocks, ouch.

Great Meadow frosty morning

After work I met up with Mike for a 19 mile trail ride on the Lexington trails. We hit the trails in Hayden woods and worked our way to Battle rd. That was pretty busy with walkers. We then crossed over to the Reformatory trail from Concord to Bedford. It was really busy with riders. A number of groups consisting of young high school aged mountain bikers. One group was led by cycling friend Aiyana. We also stopped to chat with Mike and Cathy. They were back from Vermont. We chatted about Covid and the upcoming races and cyclocross season.

Mike, Mike and Cathy on reformatory trail

Thursday went back to Conway and for Friday I created a 33 mile route that included the NCC time trial course for next week. John joined me Friday after work. It was blustery and I never got warm, my hands were cold as the gloves I wore were not wind proof. The time trial is a 9 mile segment along River road from Whately to Hatfield. It is relative flat with a few slight ups and downs. I guess the time of day with temperature and wind direction will play a big role. We'll see next week.

Former tabacco drying barns

In the weekend did some yard work and only did a solo opener on Sunday to activate my legs a little for the upcoming week. I picked a route up Nash Hill towards Williamsburg and then via Wing Hill road back. Originally was planning to conclude the ride over Main Poland, but decided to change it up a little and detoured on Williamsburg road to rt 116 and descending back into Conway. In my opener I did a 5 min zone 3, 3 x 1min Vo2Max and 3 sprint, for the rest kept it at endurance pace. The route was ideal to fit these in. I was also happy to see that in one of the sprints set my 2021 record for 1 sec power.

Beaver works along Wing Hill rd

Here the Veloviewer overview of this week. Notice the absence of indoor rides. The indoor class was done and due to the recovery week was not able to participate the NCC race and TT. Next week will do a fitness test on the trainer.

Rides in Conway and Lexington area