Cycling week 13 in review (mmxxii)

This week was a recovery week. So no long rides. But there was the first NCC outdoor time trail race on Tuesday. On Monday I setup the Honey bike up with some 32mm road tires to be ready for the TT. I had used the Honey on the rollers and both wheels had indoor tires on them I did a quick shakeout ride and made it even quicker when I realized how cold it was. It was 28F and with the hard wind felt really blustery.

Time trial effort, start around min 20.

Since the forecast still called for cold windy conditions on Tuesday, I decided to drive to South Deerfield close to the start of the time trial and parked at Sugar Loaf mountain parking lot. I did a quick loop to warmup and then started the 9 mile time trial towards Hatfield. The wind was severe and coming from the North west. I had hoped it was more of a tail wind, but it was more pushing from the side and made it hard to keep the bike in a straight line. The last 3 miles the route went straight west and straight into the wind. In the end was not my best time 24:23. I did not feel warmed up enough. Although average power output was only 3 watts lower than during my best time of 21:39.

On the way back from the TT effort

Wednesday went out for a cruise with Dusty we rode along Bartwell Ferry towards Greenfield and then via River rd along the Connecticut river back towards South Deerfield and then back up into Conway. We rode almost 30 miles in 2 hours.

Finding our way thru the Frost heaves

Thursday I went for a trail run with Mac. He lives a bit more north in Conway and we ran along the trails behind his house. There were some nice trails and vistas, there was a lot of up and downs. Basically all the trails were on private land. We did almost touch on the South river state forest.

Mac showing the ledges

Since it was a recovery week, I took Friday off from riding. But Saturday Paula and I went for a 25 mile loop to Haydenville as we wanted to check out the Euphoria bread company and coffee shop. The cappucinno's were really good and they had croissant with chocolate and almond paste, yum. It was Paula's longest ride of the year. On the way back we saw some nature inspired art installations along the bike path.

trunk art along the bike path

Sunday I just did a quick spin on the trainer the open up the legs for fitness test the next day. More on that in next week's post.

This week on Veloviewer

Three outdoor rides in the Conway are, 1 run not shown and 1 indoor ride.