Week 48 - Cross season is a wrap

Well at least for me the cross season was a wrap, the Nationals were happening in Louiseville. KY this week. On TV we watched some of our NCC team members race on Sunday. Charlotte got a top 10 in the elite women's race!

Cross season, see you next year

After some pickleball on Monday woke with a sore throat and lots of coughing, It was not Covid, but defnitely did not feel well. So took it easy, some pickleball on Wednesday and Friday. After Friday's game we went to the Conway Inn for some drinks. It was the monthly live blue grass music night, and hence it was pretty packed in the Inn. Barb the owner had some interesting Christmas decorations.

Men's bath room christmas decoration in the Conway Inn

We did a neighborhood walk on Thursday. We walked a good bit along the South river.

Paula testing out the South river's temperature, it was cold.

Friday morning we went to Ashfield to cut our own Christmas tree at the Cranston Christmas tree farm. We alway walk to the upper field, where you have a nice view of the surroundings. We had to cut a slightly shorter tree this year to make it fit the Fit (Honda).

My bike, I did not touch until Saturday, that morning, I stayed inside for the NCC Zwift ride. We rode for 2 hours at endurance pace on a course called Temples and Towers in Makuri Islands.

The next day I did go outside for a walk and later in the day an easy spin on the trainer, I did start to feel better again. Hopefully more riding next week.

View from Ives road
Just 2 walks this week no outdoor cycling