Week 29 - Cummington Fair grounds

Busy week, first a walk in the Minuteman National Park. After a sleepless night in the Element Hotel in Lexington. We needed some fresh air and energy for the drive back to Conway.

Monument along the Minuteman trail

Why did we not sleep? Some other hotel guests thought that a party deep into the night was not a problem, and hotel management could not stop the noise of loud-talking people walking past our hotel room all night. This is my first time having had such a bad experience in a hotel. When we got home, we did a quick afternoon nap and played pickleball for 2 hours.

Well attended pickleball session

The next day did my weekly Miracle interval training. I did three sets of 30 seconds as hard as I could. The best lap was the last lap, with an average of 470 watts.

Miracle intervals

My legs were stiff the following day, and I decided to go for a ride. I rode some local gravel to see how the roads were. Started with Nash Hill, then Wingnut, Luther branch, and Main Poland.

Washed out Luther branch road

The last 2 roads were in a bad state from all the rain that we had. It took a while before my muscle ache was gone, and my legs loosened up. In the afternoon played more pickleball for almost 2.5 hours.

On Main Poland gate

When waking up the next day, the muscle ache was even more severe, not just limited to my legs but my whole body, and I started getting a headache. I then realized I was getting some flu. The missed night's sleep, combined with the efforts the 2 days after, must have hampered my immune system. Fortunately, it only lasted 2 days.

On Friday, after another monsoon rain (8.5" in 8 hours), we went for a walk to check the damage. The pickleball field flooded, downtown was partially flooded, and people's basements with feets of water that needed to be pumped with a fire truck. Our basement was only slightly wet and needed wet vaccing during the heaviest rains.

Flooded down town

Early Saturday morning, Mac and I went for a run in a trail off Whately Rd just passed Roaring Brook road.

Wet trail run with Mac

After seven other pickleball players and I gathered to clean the basketball and tennis courts. About an inch of silt was left on parts of the courts from the receding water. With brooms, shuffles, and a leave blower we got it clean in 3 hours.

Later that afternoon, Mike and Sandra came over as they were riding the JAM Fund Grand Fundo as well the next day. I had signed up for the 80+ mile Adventure version, but I needed to figure out how much I was recovered and decided to ride the 53 miles Grand Fundo route with Mike. I felt great; the ride, people, and food were terrific. I did a ride report for this blog that also got posted on the NCC website. Definitely like to do that again.

JAM Fund Grand Fundo just after the 2nd rest stop. (Chris Evans)

This week on Veloviewer

Rides in Conway and Cummington, hikes and run in Conway and Lexington