The week started while we were still in Carlotte NC. Since I did not have a bike with me no cycling. I had hurt my back (cleaning up the house) just before traveling to Charlotte and it is sill bothering me.
However on Tuesday we went to Crowders mountain for a 5 mile hike. The trails were very accessible and since it was a week day not too busy. There were some other hikers but nothing too crazy. When we arrived at the top we found 3 ladies that had a little photo shoot showing of their leggings and pumps against skyline. The contents of their "water" bottle seemed to add to the party fun.

Since it was the last night in Charlotte we went out for dinner at the Heist brewery. but we had to do deserve out beer and food by taking Moose the dog out for a run. Again there were lots of dogs and even a family that huddled around their cat when we came by.

Wednesday flew back and to beat traffic immediately drive to Conway. I was only partially successful at that as the traffic from Arlington thru Leominster was pretty busy.
Thursday finally back on the bike after a whole week of bike. Was curious how my back would behave. After a day of yard work and working on the garage joined John for an after work ride. We had to postpone the start as it started to sputter, but then we went for a ride to Roaring brook. My back was bothering me but me legs wanted more, so we did an extended loop in Conway.

The next day Dusty texted me if I wanted to join the now called social ride. There was quite a crowd 9 riders. Made sense to not call it a gentlemen's ride anymore with the genders almost equally divided. We rode towards Ashfield. After a few stops we arrived in Ashfield, since my back was acting up I joined half the group back into Conway for a total of 17 miles.

I decided to take it ez with my back for the weekend. Saturday Paula and I went for a relatively flat ride and explored the bike trail in Turners fall. Before that we went across the 2 bike bridges. One bridge goes over the Connecticut river where the Deerfield river joins the Connecticut. The other bridge goes over the Millers river just before it joins the Connecticut.

Sunday I did a fairly flat ride towards West Whately and along the the Westbrook and via Whately back to Conway. Since I am planning to build a shed for our winter supply of firewood was on the lookout for wood storage structures and made photos.

This week on Veloviewer