After having canceled two travel trips since the pandemic started, had not made any plans for new travel. First wanted to have a vaccine and see the world open up some more.
When watching the Cyclocross Worlds of 2021 in Ostend, Belgium, Mike mentioned that next year's Cyclocross Worlds will be held in the US. In fact it will be held in Centennial Park, Fayetteville, Arkansas from Thursday January 27th through Sunday January 30th 2022.
Mike, Sandra and I decided to go. We have rented a house through VRBO in Fayetteville, which is not too far from Centennial Park. Next question is how to get there. Ideally we would bring our bikes in order to get around and ride the local trails.

At the moment thinking of driving there, which will make the bike situation easier. It is a long drive though, just under 1500 miles. The other option would be to fly and bring the bikes on the plane and rent a car over there. Or I drive and Mike Sandra fly, we'll figure it out.
It is exciting to have some travel to look forward and see the Cyclocross legends battle it out in real life!!!