With Paula and her sister, we went skiing at Berkshire East on Monday. Annique rented snowboard equipment, and we did a bunch of runs. It was pretty busy for a Monday; I guess the lure of fresh snow and the expected rain later that week drove people to the mountain. Fortunately, there was a new lift, which is probably twice as fast as the older one, and it really helped keep the lines short. A little later, Melissa and Dusty joined us, and we skied together for a few runs. Later that day, Paula and I played a session of pickleball.

The next morning, I tried to fat bike on some of the trails in town, but the snow was too soft and deep to be enjoyable.

I rode through the field on the snowmobile trail to the CSA. On the way back, I rode over the road and did a loop through town.

In the evening, I joined the NCC TT/Hillclimb race, which used the Harrogate course in Zwift. I felt very strong and finished third with a time of 22:41 and an average power output of 285 watts.

On Wednesday, we took a walk through town and played a session of pickleball in the evening.

We did some touring with Annique, visiting Chapel Falls and Salmon Falls. In the afternoon, I went for a road bike ride with a loop through South Ashfield and back over North Poland.

I saw some familiar faces, John and Jason, even twice as they were riding the route in the opposite direction.

Saturday involved another round of pickleball and a walk through town. Sunday finished the week off with a quick spin. Things got a little exciting and cold when I ended up in a snow squall, but fortunately, it was brief.

This week on Veloviewer