On Martin Luther King day (Paula had the day off) we went for a hike on snowy Pine Hill rd. We did a loop thru the forest. Fortunately, a quad vehicle had blazed a trail so it was easy to follow the On Martin Luther King day (Paula had the day off) we went for a hike on snowy Pine Hill rd. We did a loop thru the forest. Fortunately, a quad vehicle had blazed a trail so it was easy to follow the snow-covered trail.

The next day raced up the hill on the Innsbruck Zwift course. The group went up hard and I could not keep up with the fastest and was lagging a few seconds. About halfway in I worked myself into the 2nd group with Melissa and Henry. I immediately attacked them, hoping they could follow, but that turned out to be a mistake. My heart rate spiked to above 200 bpm and felt my power flow away. From then on had to take it easy. I was able to stay ahead of the riders behind me and finished 7th out of 13.

Wednesday I joined Dusty and Melissa for skiing on Berkshire East. It had been pretty mild. The snow was thick and slow. This allowed us to skip some of the triple black trails as thick wet snow slowed us down.

The next morning John and I went for a run. Since we were short on time did my regular 5k. It ended up being one of the fastest runs on this loop with a 9:19 minute mile speed. In the evening I raced with NCC a Tour de Zwift stage. This time on the Standard on Douce in France. It was not too hard and was with the leading group sprinting to the finish. Interestingly enough some of my NCC competitors had a faster overall even after I beat them at the finish sprint. Apparently entering the start later when there are a large number of participants lets you cross the start line later.

Friday and Saturday did not ride. Saturday I did play pickleball with Paula and others in the Conway town hall.
Sunday afternoon did an ez spin on the trainer. Earlier in the day Paula and I did a hike along the South river. We noticed that some of the heavy snow melt had caused the river to eat away some of the river banks.