Monday took a day off the bike. Tuesday started with a ride coming back from the car mechanic. Left my car to have them put new winter tires on. Later when they were finished I rode back down to Deerfield to pick the car up. In the late afternoon did my tabata intervals. I felt tired and struggled to finish, was hard to keep the power up during the intervals. I had signed up for the NCC Zwift hill climb time-trial, but while pre-riding felt a twing in my right calve and decided to not race. Did not want to risk an injury with CX Nationals one week away.
Hence I was Wednesday off the bike as well, and did an ez spin on Thursday while watching the world cup soccer. The calve felt good.

So on Friday I did openers for the Ice weasels race the next day. For openers I choose a route along Roaring brook road, it has a few gravel climb sections that are good for the VO2max efforts. A few start sprint efforts completed the openers. My calve felt fine, so was ready for Ice weasels.

The Ice weasels course is on a sandy motocross park, and with the rain it made for a challenging wet and sand/muddy race day. I started out with the Killer B 55+ race, it was mixed with the 45+ riders. I had a really good start with 6th position thru the first big corner. During the race a few mistakes and me fading a little, made me drop to 13th place. I still finished one place above prediction and got some really good points 367. In the 55+ category initially got the 3rd place and podiumed. But after there was a slight correction, it turned out, I had finished 4th.

Later in the day I raced the Fat bike race. I did not have the energy to go all out and therefor enjoyed the handups and riding the skinny. It was good fun, but super muddy and wet. A beer afterwards and it was time to go home.

The next day did feel my calve again, I massaged it with a hot stone that I had heated up on the woodstove. Surprisingly the pain subsided and did an ez spin to loosen it up.