On my way home from Burke to Conway, a few of us did a ride from St. Johnsbury towards Peachham. The landscape here differed from around Burke, the hills were a little shorter but steeper, and there were beautiful views.

We started on the bike path for a bit, but soon we were off on the gravel roads. About 7 miles in, John and I detoured for a more challenging section—an abandoned road with a fun river crossing.

After a while, we rejoined Pamela, Dominique, and Christine again. When we arrived in Peacham, we had a quick break and bought some refreshments at the local antique shop.

The cafe was unfortunately closed for Memorial Day weekend. We then continued with just over half of the distance to go. The rest of the ride provided beautiful quiet gravel roads and vistas. After more than 51 miles and over 6000 ft of climbing, we were back in St. Johnsbury.

I played a pickleball session on Tuesday, and Wednesday, late afternoon John and I went for a ride. We rode towards Buckland. There were a couple of sections where I hit the climbs hard, with Smith Rd section as the ultimate I missed my PR by a few seconds but beat my power PR on that section with 1 watt. A TSS of 144 in less than 2 hours is not bad.

Thursday morning went for a run. I had not run in a while, and it showed. Definitely felt my muscles later that day when playing another Pickleball session.

Friday, I went for a ride with Pamela and Bill. We rode towards Ashfield and back via West Rd, then flew down rt 116. We spotted several riders along the way. There was an NCC group, and apparently, Boston-based Team Psycho had a training camp in the area.

Saturday, Paula and I played some more pickleball. Sunday, we took it easy, and we puttered around the house.
This week on Veloviewer