This will be 1 of the shortest workout related posts, as I barely did any sport-related activities this week. I was super tired after the race at Hydra Cross, and we traveled to Winston-Salem, NC, for a wedding. I should have recorded my dance activities at the wedding as there was a lot of dancing.
On Monday, I played the only pickleball session of the week. Before the session, Paula and I had stacked half of the 2.5 cords of firewood delivered the week before.

On Tuesday, we finished stacking the remaining wood. We flew to North Carolina on Thursday, arriving at about 9 p.m.
Friday morning; Paula and I did a walk through Old Salem. In the afternoon, we did a walk along the Salem Lake shore.

Saturday morning, we went kayaking on a lake nearby. After some adjustments, we got a double kayak and made some excellent speed. A big Thunderstorm came in, and we had to B-line back to the shore.We just made it before the rain came down.

When the weather had cleared up in the afternoon, we walked downtown Winston-Salem.

Sunday, I was a little hungover. We did two walks. In the morning, a walk around the quarry at Grant Park. And after lunch, a walk in Reynolda Park.