I was in Holland for my father's funeral on Friday. Despite the sadness of losing my dad, it was wonderful to see the rest of my family, including my daughter and granddaughter, who flew in from Austria.

Between being busy helping with the funeral preparations and dealing with the wet Dutch November weather, I managed to get out a few times on my Dutch gravel bike.

On Monday, I did a 22-mile ride, passing by the farm we used to operate when I was a teenager. A lot has changed, including a complete rebuild of the farm.

I went for a quick run on Wednesday. My watch stopped recording during the run, so I'm not sure how far I actually went.
The day after the funeral, I went for a quick ride just before dark, which rewarded me with a beautiful sunset.

The next day, we flew back home, and I am looking forward to spending some time at home.
This week on Veloviewer