I started the week with a walk through town and a ride on the trainer. I rode for 50 mins with 25 minutes of endurance pace.

Tuesday participated in the last NCC indoor Zwift race of the winter season. As I still had chest pain (although less). Kept my race pace such that my heart rate stayed below 140 bpm. This resulted in a 1hr and 16 min climb up the Epic KOM with an avg power output of 189 watts. I was fatigued at the end as I had to lower my power output to stay below 140 bpm. It probably didn't help I had to dig out my driveway from 2ft of wet snow earlier that day.

Wednesday, Dusty and I went to Berkshire East to enjoy some of that snow. There was a power outage, and they could not operate the ski lifts. We decided then to hike up the mountain and ski down. Most of the trails were nicely groomed, and we used these to hike up. On the way down, we did ski some of the ungroomed "powder". Dusty was more successful in that than I was. I ended up stuck waist-deep in wet cement-like snow. When we were at the base, we decided to come back the next day.

Thursday, the lifts were working, and beside Dusty, Melissa and a friend of Dusty's joined us. We skied all morning, and I left at around 1pm while the other did a few more ungroomed runs.

Friday just did a quick walk through town, but on Saturday, Paula and I played 2 hours of pickleball, followed by an hour where we showed Kait and Robin how to play pickleball. In the afternoon, I went for an 18-mile ride to Whately and via West Whately back.

Sunday, Paula and went for a hike in the woods behind our house. We first went on our shoes, but when the frozen snow had difficulty supporting us, we returned for our snowshoes.

This week on Veloviewer.