After a weekend of watching cyclocross in Czechia, we flew back to Holland on Monday. The first two nights we stayed with my sister, Ingrid, and her husband, Fons. While Paula and Fons walked the dogs on Tuesday morning, Ingrid and I went for a run. Since we both had rebooted our running, we did a 2-minute on, followed by 2 minutes off, to get into the swing of things. In the end, we run/walked 3.6 miles in 45 minutes. Later in the day, we visited my mother and my brother before returning to Ingrid's.

The next day, Paula had an appointment with an eye doctor in Amsterdam. Afterwards, we drove to the beach near Haarlem. After a quick lunch at a beach club, we walked for 3.1 miles along the beach. We met for dinner with Paula's sister, Annique, before that I did a quick run from the hotel we were staying that night.

On Thursday, we flew back home, and by Friday, we were back home again. We did a nice long walk through town. I followed that up later with an easy spin on the bike.

Back in the pickleball game on Saturday morning and in the afternoon, I went for a nice 40-mile bike ride in beautiful, almost spring conditions.

The next day, I rode with John and Pamela to Guilford, Vermont, a 100k ride. I hadn't done such a long ride in over half a year, so I was definitely tired when we came back. Interestingly enough, we ran into Lauren from Cyclismo while having lunch in Guilford. She had been cross-country skiing. After a short chat, we went our separate ways.