Cycling Cycling week 21 in review (mmxxii) Did 3 rides. Was sick from Wednesday thru Saturday. Had a TSS of 262 and rode a distance of 70 miles.
Tech Implementing TodoMVC with Reken How I implemented a reference implementation of TodoMVC with Reken.
Cycling Cycling week 20 in review (mmxxii) Did 2 rides (1 indoor) and 1 hike. Had a TSS of 32 and rode a distance of 21 miles. Definitely a recovery week.
Cycling Cycling week 19 in review (mmxxii) Did 5 rides. Had a TSS of 629 and rode a distance of 184 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 18 in review (mmxxii) Did 5 rides and 1 run. Had a TSS of 533 and rode a distance of 179 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 17 in review (mmxxii) Rode every day out of Conway with a TSS of 863 and a distance of 259 miles with an elevation of 23383ft. Big week!
Cycling Cycling week 16 in review (mmxxii) In NC did a hike and a run. Back in Conway did 4 outdoor rides. TSS was 408 and rode 70 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 15 in review (mmxxii) Did 2 outdoor rides, 1 indoor ride. In NC did a hike and a run. TSS was 445 and rode 117 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 14 in review (mmxxii) Did 4 outdoor rides, 3 indoor rides, an indoor row and 2 runs. TSS was 738 and rode almost 200 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 13 in review (mmxxii) Did 3 outdoor rides, 1 indoor ride and a run in Conway area. TSS was 317.
Cycling Cycling week 12 in review (mmxxii) Did 5 outdoor rides and 1 indoor from Conway and 1 ride out of Arlington. TSS was 461.
Cycling Cycling week 10 in review (mmxxii) On Aruba one 34 miles mountain bike ride, 2 wind surf sessions, 3 snorkel sessions, 1 wind foil lesson and a xc country ski in Conway.
Cycling Cycling week 9 in review (mmxxii) This week I did three indoor rides, two ski sessions on Conway. On Aruba I did 2 windsurf sessions, 2 snorkel sessions. a 3 mile run and a hike. A TSS 847.
Cycling "Cycling" week 8 in review (mmxxii) No cycling, but lots of hiking, running in LA area and XC ski in Conway. TSS of 771.
Cycling Cycling week 7 in review (mmxxii) 2 NCC indoor races, 1 fat bike rides, 2 indoor rides and went skiing once. TSS of 495.
Travel Fayetteville, Arkansas. Coffee, food and beers. Coffee, Beer and Food explorations on our CX worlds visit to Fayetteville Arkansas.
Cycling Cycling week 6 in review (mmxxii) 2 NCC races, 2 fat bike rides, 1 road bike ride and went skiing twice. TSS of 685.
Cycling Cycling week 5 in review (Vol II) 2 NCC races, 4 fat bike rides, 3 in Conway and 1 in Hawley. TSS of 558.