Cycling Cycling week 17 in review (mmxxii) Rode every day out of Conway with a TSS of 863 and a distance of 259 miles with an elevation of 23383ft. Big week!
Cycling Cycling week 16 in review (mmxxii) In NC did a hike and a run. Back in Conway did 4 outdoor rides. TSS was 408 and rode 70 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 15 in review (mmxxii) Did 2 outdoor rides, 1 indoor ride. In NC did a hike and a run. TSS was 445 and rode 117 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 14 in review (mmxxii) Did 4 outdoor rides, 3 indoor rides, an indoor row and 2 runs. TSS was 738 and rode almost 200 miles.
Cycling Cycling week 13 in review (mmxxii) Did 3 outdoor rides, 1 indoor ride and a run in Conway area. TSS was 317.
Cycling Cycling week 12 in review (mmxxii) Did 5 outdoor rides and 1 indoor from Conway and 1 ride out of Arlington. TSS was 461.
Cycling Cycling week 10 in review (mmxxii) On Aruba one 34 miles mountain bike ride, 2 wind surf sessions, 3 snorkel sessions, 1 wind foil lesson and a xc country ski in Conway.
Cycling Cycling week 9 in review (mmxxii) This week I did three indoor rides, two ski sessions on Conway. On Aruba I did 2 windsurf sessions, 2 snorkel sessions. a 3 mile run and a hike. A TSS 847.
Cycling "Cycling" week 8 in review (mmxxii) No cycling, but lots of hiking, running in LA area and XC ski in Conway. TSS of 771.
Cycling Cycling week 7 in review (mmxxii) 2 NCC indoor races, 1 fat bike rides, 2 indoor rides and went skiing once. TSS of 495.
Cycling Cycling week 6 in review (mmxxii) 2 NCC races, 2 fat bike rides, 1 road bike ride and went skiing twice. TSS of 685.
Cycling Cycling week 5 in review (Vol II) 2 NCC races, 4 fat bike rides, 3 in Conway and 1 in Hawley. TSS of 558.
Cycling Cycling week 4 in review (Vol II) Snowshoe up Berkshire East, Skiing, Fat biking and a lot of hiking at the CX Worlds in Fayetteville. TSS of 758. (lots of hiking TSS's)
Cycling Cycling week 3 in review (Vol II) Snowshoeing, Skiing, Skating, 2 Fat bike rides and 2 NCC Zwift races, also indoors: a row and rollers. Had a TSS of 649.
Cycling Cycling week 2 in review (Vol II) First ice skate, went skiing 3 times, 2 NCC Zwift races, 1 snow fat bike ride, my regular run, indoor row and rollers. Had a TSS of 782.
Cycling Cycling week 1 in review (Vol II) First snow fat bike ride, and a regular outdoor ride, 3 indoor rides of which 2 were races. went skiing twice and did 1 hike. Had a TSS of 730. Photo courtesy John.
Cycling Cycling year 2021 in review Overview of my year of riding in 2021. I had a total TSS of 24387 and had planned 25710. I was active 256 days and rode 5585 miles in 480 hrs and went up Mt. Everest 13x.
Cycling Cycling week 52 in review Did 2 hikes, 2 outdoor rides, 2 indoor ez rides and 2 row sessions. Had a TSS of 326.
Cycling Cycling week 50 in review Did 3 outdoor rides and 1 run, 2 indoor races and a 30min rowing workout. Had a TSS of 543.
Cycling Cycling week 48 in review This was the last cyclocross race week of the 2021 season. Did 2 cross races, an indoor time trial and some mountain bike. Ran the short loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 443. Cover photo Meg mcMahon.
Cycling Cycling week 47 in review After last recovery week back at it. 2 cross races, an indoor time trial and some fat bike training. Ran the short loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 496. Cover photo Katie Busick.