Cycling Cycling week 22 in review Recovery week; rode just 4 hours and had a TSS of 163. Did my regular 5k run.
Cycling Cycling week 21 in review 4th week of training block 5; rode 11 hours and had a TSS of 533. Did my regular 5k run a little easier.
Cycling Cycling week 20 in review 3rd week of training block 5; rode 7.5 hours and had a TSS of 476. Was able to do my regular 5k run again.
Finance Lesson 4, How to invest Invest in a low cost index fund. Do not speculate or gamble with your savings.
Cycling Cycling week 19 in review 2nd week of training block 5; rode 12 hours and had a TSS of 610. Did my first run since 3 weeks.
Tech Video Editing... my new workflow I find editing video super hard and boring. I came up with a workflow that seemed to work.
Cycling Cycling week 18 in review First week of training block 5; rode 10 hours and had a TSS of 561. Still was not ready to run due to the bruised ribs.
Tech My first open source project Going thru the experience of creating my first open source project Reken.
Cycling Cycling week 17 in review Recovery week; combination of sore shoulder, bruised ribs and covid vac shot resulted in only 4.5 hours of riding for 50 miles and had a TSS of 160. Did not run, but walked instead due to bruised ribs.
Cycling Velo Viewer review (II) Sifting through the massive amount of your Strava data in Velo Viewer (part 2)
Cycling week 16 in review Last week of 4th training block; rode 11 hours for 91 miles and had a TSS of 355. Ran for 30 mins. Only half of what was planned due to injury.
Do-it-yourself Drywalling the garage Putting up drywall in my garage and how I hurt myself falling of the scaffolding.
Cycling Cycling week 15 in review Second week of 4th training block; rode 6 hours for 153 miles and had a TSS of 590. Ran for 30 mins.
Cycling FTP fitness test calculator Explanation of Zwift power, FTP and a calculator to calculate target test power outputs.
Do-it-yourself Spring weekend DIY summary Powerwashed deck, Installed electrical outlet and un-winterized the Seven Evergreen.
Cycling Cycling week 14 in review Start of 4th training block; rode 11.5 hours for 127 miles and had a TSS of 623. Ran for 28 mins.
Finance Lesson 2, the most import lesson... savings rate how savings rate predicts when you can retire.