Cycling Cycling week 4 in review (Vol II) Snowshoe up Berkshire East, Skiing, Fat biking and a lot of hiking at the CX Worlds in Fayetteville. TSS of 758. (lots of hiking TSS's)
Cycling Cycling week 3 in review (Vol II) Snowshoeing, Skiing, Skating, 2 Fat bike rides and 2 NCC Zwift races, also indoors: a row and rollers. Had a TSS of 649.
Cycling Cycling week 2 in review (Vol II) First ice skate, went skiing 3 times, 2 NCC Zwift races, 1 snow fat bike ride, my regular run, indoor row and rollers. Had a TSS of 782.
Travel Trip to Salt Lake City Winter weekend visit to Margot, Brendan and Moose in Salt Lake City. Beautiful vistas, skiing, walk and brewery pub visits.
Cycling Cycling week 1 in review (Vol II) First snow fat bike ride, and a regular outdoor ride, 3 indoor rides of which 2 were races. went skiing twice and did 1 hike. Had a TSS of 730. Photo courtesy John.
Cycling Cycling year 2021 in review Overview of my year of riding in 2021. I had a total TSS of 24387 and had planned 25710. I was active 256 days and rode 5585 miles in 480 hrs and went up Mt. Everest 13x.
Cycling Cycling week 52 in review Did 2 hikes, 2 outdoor rides, 2 indoor ez rides and 2 row sessions. Had a TSS of 326.
Cycling Cycling week 50 in review Did 3 outdoor rides and 1 run, 2 indoor races and a 30min rowing workout. Had a TSS of 543.
Food Henry's Dutch pancakes My recipe for Dutch pancakes. Added a little twist with the maple syrup and vanilla extract.
Cycling Cycling week 48 in review This was the last cyclocross race week of the 2021 season. Did 2 cross races, an indoor time trial and some mountain bike. Ran the short loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 443. Cover photo Meg mcMahon.
Cycling Cycling week 47 in review After last recovery week back at it. 2 cross races, an indoor time trial and some fat bike training. Ran the short loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 496. Cover photo Katie Busick.
Cycling Cycling week 46 in review Recovery week some short Fat bike rides. Did a 22 mile loop on the Seven. Ran a short loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 224.
Do-it-yourself Power up your Orucase Airport Ninja bike case DIY project adding wheels to my bike travel bag.
Cycling Cycling week 45 in review Raced a NCC Zwift TT, Fatbiking in Campton Forest and raced Putney CC . Ran my loop in Conway. Had a TSS of 471
Cycling Cycling week 44 in review NCC practice in Amherst, raced 2 NOHO CX races, ran my loop in Conway and had a TSS of 384.
Cycling Cycling week 43 in review Did 1 ride in the Netherlands. Raced 2 CX races, ran my loop in Conway and had a TSS of 645.
Cycling Cycling week 41 in review Did 3 outdoor rides and 1 indoor ride. I had a TSS of 295. Did 1 run.
Cycling Cycling week 40 in review Did 4 outdoor rides and 3 indoor rides I had a TSS of 407. Did 1 run.
Cycling Cycling week 39 in review Did 5 outdoor rides, of which 2 races. I had a TSS of 319. Did not run due to rib.
Cycling Cycling week 38 in review Did 3 outdoor rides and 2 indoor interval trainings and did a short run. I had a TSS of 557.